Command Health
ASCs have revolutionized and transformed how surgeries are performed in the United States.
Now, Command Health makes certain your ASC is not left out of the next revolution… Genomics.
Command Health also delivers the next evolution in physician satisfaction and productivity while revolutionizing your communication capabilities.
No upfront costs, no long term commitments, no complicated training or installation.
Just real savings and real results that immediately elevate your ASC to the next level.




Maximize what you do best...
Your surgeons are your most valuable resource Maximize the value of their time by minimizing inconvenience and aggravation
Better Technology, Immediate Savings, Integrated Secure Messaging, Automated Quality Metrics, Remote Schedule Access, Faster Turnaround, Real-Time Analytics, Coding Support, Patient Radar
FAQ #1
It sounds too good to be true… what’s the catch?
The catch is we can’t make this offer to every ASC. Your center would need to meet our qualifying criteria. More than 20% of centers fail to qualify, but if you do qualify, the entire solution set is yours with no obligation.
FAQ #2
Does my center qualify to receive the technology and savings for free?
Qualifying, in large part, depends on your case mix. Almost 80% of centers that apply are accepted, so take 2 minutes to submit the form below. We’ll let you know, either way, within 72 hours.
If accepted, you will need to submit a follow-up form and we will then certify your center’s guaranteed savings amount before you present to your board or make a decision.
Note: Applications are accepted–and implementations are scheduled–based on date first submitted

Hereditary Cancer Screening
Complete solution and support for all aspects of Genetic Testing
Effective Real-Time Surgeon Engagement
Secure and Case-Centric Messaging, Notices, and eSignature.

Cut your current costs
See guarantee below.
Automated Patient Tracker
Real time radar status updates broadcast to your waiting room and the patient’s remote family members. secure customized URL and Coded Patient ID Tagging dedicated to your center.
Footnote: The Patient Tracking Radar service is free. Some discounted equipment and configuration costs may be involved, dependent on the size of your center.

Remote Real-Time Case View
Mobile access for surgeons.
Custom desktop views for referral offices and anesthesiologists.
Route documents and forms to physician for eSignature
Rapid turnaround on missing documentation.

Protect your surgeon’s time, productivity, and revenue
Every minute counts and doctors count every minute.
Automated Distribution
Fax, auto-print, HL7 interfaces, and secure online access.

Automated Coding and RCM Support
Close the communication gaps with real time analytics and secure messaging.
Better Performance
Tracking and the right tools to positively impact performance.
Radar-Track personnel and resources.
Monitoring and reporting toolset.
Significantly compress A/R.

Future Proof Your ASC
Mitigate Medical and Revenue Liability
Protect public and payer profiles.

Surgery Status Updates
Green-light cases and resolve deficiencies with real time notifications.
Mobile Image Access
Fast, easy, case-centric.

Enhanced Relationship Management
Hospitals, Referring Physicians, Patients.
72 hour Acuity and Triage Protocol Support
Reduce liability.
Enhance hospital relationships.
Encourage complex case flow.

Simplified Authorization Workflow
Fully integrated with scheduling and coding.
Designed for team collaboration.
Built in EMPI, Interoperability and HIE solutions
Powerful, user friendly dashboards.

Automated Quality and Outcomes Data
Analytics that prove your outcomes, patient safety, and efficacy to attract higher acuity complex cases.
Integrated Mobile OP Note templates
Replacement for paper op notes or computer workflows.

Secure bi-directional communication
The risks of getting it wrong are high and getting it right has never been more important.
Strengthens and protects case referral flow.
Keeps your surgeons in 24/7 contact.
Immediate deficiency resolution.
Real time reconciliation & workflow support
Coding, RFI, RCM, Authorizations, Scheduling, etc.

Dedicated real time engagement from domestic transcriptionists and analysts
Because it matters.
Guaranteed 20% savings on transcription with 20 minute to 2 hour turnaround

Data Concierge Service.